-Like functionalism, Marxism has been accused of ignoring the freedom of choice enjoyed by individuals. People choose what to do and think - they are not 'brainwashed" by ideology. In this sense, Marxism too may present an
"Oversocialized" picture of human beings.
-Marxism may put too much emphasis on conflict. After all, despite all its inequalities, capitalism has managed to improve most people's standard of living. Marxism also neglects the common interests that employers and workers may have. If workers work well, then the business does well and employers can afford to increase wages.
-The traditional Marxist perspective tends to be a bit old-fashioned. The idea that men marry and have children to pass on property ignores other reasons for getting married or forming families.
Many women now work and have independent incomes, and in many cases they are more successful than men in some areas of the labour market. Women are therefore far less likely to marry for economic security. Marriage is now less of a social necessity.
-The idea that families exist basically to pass on ruling-class ideology ignores the many other things that go on in families. A 2003 report by the Institute of Education, Changing Britain, Changing Lives, found that people are now more likely to marry for love and affection rather than as a social obligation, with a growing emphasis on the emotional aspects of relationships and personal fulfilment both for men and, especially, for women. Marxist analysis of the family is now mainly explored by Marxist feminists.