article 8 eval

Cards (15)

  • pro - qualified right - gives state positive obligations to protect the right
  • pro - family life - wide def to include multiple different family types
  • pro - living instrument principle allows law to change with societies views
  • pro - wide def of private life - gives lots of protection
  • pro - home occupiers and owners are treated the same
  • pro - wide def of home to include place where you spend most of your time and also where you spend some time to include second homes
  • pro - wide def of home to include place where you spend most of your time and also where you spend some time to include second homes
  • pro - press intrusion - neither a8 or a10 take priority
  • pro - sheffield and horsham v uk - states have a positive obligation to review law
  • pro - halford v uk - surveillance such as listening to phone calls is a breach
  • s + marper v uk - violation to keep dna indefinatly
  • con - qualified right - can be limited but scenarios are unclear as it is subjective and state by state
  • con - family life - some relationships aren't deemed enough to prevent deportation
  • con - weakness of private life is that dna is still kept on criminal system for many people even if not guilty
  • home - depends on type - illegally parked caravan