Developmental psychology is the study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.
Nature via nurture is the tendency of individuals with certain genetic predispositions to seek out and create environments that permit the expression of those predispositions.
Gene expression (SCN) is the activation or deactivation of genes by environmental experiences throughout development.
Cross-sectional design is a research design that examines people of different ages at a single point in time.
Cohort effect is an effect observed in a sample of participants that results from individuals in the sample growing up at the same time.
Longitudinal design is a research design that examines the development in the same group of people on multiple occasions over a period of time.
Post hoc fallacy is a false assumption that because one event occurred before another event it must have caused the event.
Prenatal refers to the period prior to birth.
Zygote is a fertilized egg.
Blastocyst is a ball of identical cells early in pregnancy that haven’t yet begun to take on any specific function in a body part.
Embryo is the second to eighth week of prenatal development, during which limbs, facial features, and major organs of the body take form.
Fetus is the period of prenatal development from ninth week until birth after all major organs are established and physical maturation is the primary change.
Teratogen is an environmental factor that can exert a negative impact on prenatal development.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition resulting from high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure, causing learning disabilities, physical growth retardation, facial malformations, and behavioral disorders.
Motor behavior is bodily motion that occurs as a result of self-initiated force that moves the bones and muscles.
Puberty is the achievement of sexual maturation resulting in the potential to reproduce.
Primary sex characteristic is a physical feature such as the reproductive organs and genitals that distinguish the sexes.
Secondary sex characteristic is a sex-differentiating characteristic that doesn’t relate directly to reproduction, such as breast enlargement in women and deepening voices in men.
Menarch is the start of menstruation.
Spermarche is boys’ first ejaculation.
Menopause is the termination of menstruation, marking the end of a woman’s reproductive potential.
Cognitive development is the study of how children acquire the ability to learn, think, reason, communicate, and remember.
Scaffolding is a Vygotskian learning mechanism in which parents provide initial assistance in children’s learning but gradually remove structure as children become more competent.
Zone of proximal development is a phase of learning during which children can benefit from instruction.
Theory of mind is the ability to reason about what other people know and believe.
Babbling is intentional vocalization that lacks specific meaning.
One-word stage is an early period of language development when children use single words to convey an entire thought.
Homesign is a system of home developed by children who are deaf and born of hearing parents and therefore receive no language input.
Generative is allowing an infinite number of unique sentences to be created by combining words in novel ways.
Genetics and environment both shape development.
Social-intuitive model of moral emotions (Haidt)
Development influences experiences, but experiences also influence development.
The impact of genes on behavior depends on the environment.
Genetics influences the choice of environments.
Those growing up during the same time period can differ systematically from others living during a different period.
To stop cohort effects, requires study of the same people over time (not different age)- longitudinal method.
Cognitive development is the process of acquiring the ability to learn, think, communicate, and remember over time.
Piaget is a Swiss psychologist who presented the first complete account of cognitive development.
Stage theorists believed skills were domain-general.
The end point of cognitive development is the ability to reason logically about hypotheticals- abstract thought.