Family : New Right - Post Modern Family Life

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  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We were identified by our roles; e.g. being a good mother, providing for the family as the male breadwinner’ , Bauman-
    Life is like a shopping mall where your identity is shaped and defined by what you buy. Bauman called this 'liquid modernity - a time of chaos and uncertainty about the roles we play and who we are.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We were identified by our roles; e.g. being a good mother, providing for the family as the male breadwinner’ , Giddens -The individualisation thesis: In the past people's lives were defined by fixed roles that largely prevented them from selecting their own life course. Now we are individuals with choice; we have become disembedded from traditional family roles and expectations.
  • Pat Modern Family Life
    ‘The future was predictable - we would get married to someone of the opposite sex and have children with them’ , Giddens - Due to contraception and feminist movements, relationships are no longer simply for reproduction. We can define our own relationships, based on love and shared interests. Giddens called these 'pure relationships' as they are not functional but are a personal choice.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘The dominant ideology taught us that getting married and having children was the social norm’ , Baudrillard - Our life is affected by media saturation, the media presents simulacra and hyperreality. Simulacra is the blurring of the real and the fictional, such as soap operas (Hollyoaks, Corrie) where people believe life is like it is portrayed in the media. Hyper-reality is the inability to distinguish reality from non-reality, such as reality TV. Baudrillard suggests that our image of family is distorted.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘The dominant ideology taught us that getting married and having children was the social norm’ , Lyotard - Lyotard talks about a growing mistrust in the metanarratives (the messages being taught to society, such as consensus or conflict theories). Lyotard suggests that all knowledge is valid and people no longer believe in the 'myth of truth'. There are no universally accepted truths anymore, such as 'marriage is for life' and this leads to growing individualisation, where we can make our own truth.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘The dominant ideology taught us that getting married and having children was the social norm’ , Baudrillard - We can be whatever we want to be. Our identity is like 'pic'n'mix where we can select the parts of culture which fit in with the lifestyle we want. Baudrillard called this 'the end of the social' because the expectations and restrictions from social norms have gone.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We belonged to one family type - the nuclear family’ , Chester - Family life is diverse - we can belong to more than one family type in our lifetime. Most families start as nuclear and return to nuclear, changing into other family types along the way, such as divorce-extended, single parent, cohabiting etc. Chester called this a neo-conventional family.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We belonged to one family type - the nuclear family
    ’ , Stacey - Family life is diverse - we can belong to more than one family type in our lifetime. If we divorce, we may keep in touch with the former in-laws, even if we remarry. Our second or third husband/wife may bring family members into the new family from previous relationships - this creates a new family type: the divorce-extended family.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We belonged to one family type - the nuclear family’ , Cheal - There is no longer such a thing as one family type - when we are evaluating the family since post-modernity, we should refer to the term 'families' rather than family.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘Marriage was expected to be for life. Family support was expected throughout our life.’ , Beck - Beck says that nothing is certain in life and we live under high levels of uncertainty and risk. Beck called post-modernity as 'risk society - we do not know what the future holds anymore. We can create our own future and Beck suggested that we have a DIY approach to family. This creates a negotiated family - where the members define what they want the family to be and change it according to changes in their lives.
  • Post Modern Family Life
    ‘We got married into 'holy matrimony' - the union of one man to one woman reinforced by deeply held religious views’ , Weeks - The church no longer has the power it used to have. Secularisation (decline of religion) has allowed for more diversity in family structure as we no longer make a solemn vow in a religious institution. This makes divorce and remarriage more acceptable.