nazi germany

Cards (39)

  • The Nazi propaganda was spread through newspapers, mass rallies, films, posters, and radio.
  • Ernst Rohm was leader of the sa (brown shirts)
  • Hermann Goering was the second in power
  • Heinrich Himmler lead the ss (black shirts)
  • Rudolph Hess was the third in power
  • Wilhelm Frick was the minister of the interior
  • Joseph Goebbels was the propaganda manager
  • brot & arbiet means bread & work
  • marxism is a type of communism
  • who were the bolsheviks?
    a politics party lead by jews
  • what is anti semitism?
    jews being ‘ sub humans
  • who started the Reichstag fire?

    Marinus Van der Lubbe a young dutch communist
  • what caused communism to become illegal?

    the Reichstag fire
  • who were murdered during the week of blood?

    Jews , communists , social democrats & trade unionists
  • how many were arrested and murdered in the week of blood?
    600 were murdered & 100000 arrested
  • how many provinces were there after the reconstruction of the state?

    there were 42 provinces ran by Gauleiters
  • who was killed during the night of the long knives?
    Ernst Rohm and other members of the SA.
  • Who killed Ernest Rohm?
    The ss ( black shirts )
  • what percentage of people oppose the nazis?
    under 1%
  • the nazis owned two thirds of all german newspapers & magazines
  • the Der Sturmer was a nazi owned & published newspaper
  • political films were only 10% of films made
  • in 1936 the olympics were held in berlin
  • the biggest rally was a week long
  • in 1939 70% of Germans had a radio in their house
  • most radio stations played nazi speeches & german folk music
  • the gestapo used the information the sd gathered to arrest and torture people
  • denunciations are ordinary germans reporting people to the gestapo so they could feel safer
  • the sd were the secret service who gathered information about people who are seen as threats
  • Hitler was made chancellor on january 30th 1933
  • the Reichstag fire was on february 1st 1933
  • the nazis got 44% of votes in the march elections
  • Jewish shops were boycotted on april 1st 1933
  • what was the act for the restoration of the civil service?
    removing jews from the government
  • trade unions were banned on may 2nd 1933 meaning longer hours & less pay
  • book burnings were where anything written by a jew or anything that made germany look weak were burnt
  • new political parties weren’t allowed to form from the 11th of july 1933
  • Georg Esler attempted to kill Hitler in 1939 by planting a time bomb
  • the concordat was an agreement between the catholic church and nazi germany to not attack eacother