involuntary - sequential contraction of pharyngeal constrictors causes peristalsis into oesophagus
Tonsillar (Waldeyer's) ring (aggregated lymphoid tissue)
pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
roof and post wall nasopharynx
tubal tonsil
near eustachian tube orifice
palatine tonsils
each side of oropharynx, between palatine arches
posterior part of tongue
Pharyngeal plexus
vagus - motor
all muscles of pharynx and soft palate except stylopharyngeus (IX) and tensor veli (V3)
some motor to inferior constrictor also from external and recurrent laryngeal branches
glossopharyngeal - sensory
some nasopharyngeal sensation from V2 also
Gag reflex
Arterial supply and venous drainage of pharynx
tonsillar branch of facial artery as well as multiple other arterial branches
ascending and descending palatine, lingual, ascending pharyngeal
large paratonsilar vein to pharyngeal venous plexus
highly vascular, can bleed a lot at or after surgery
tonsilar lymphatic vessels to jugulodigastric cervical lymph node
The fauces, isthmus of fauces or the oropharyngeal isthmus, is the opening at the back of the mouth into the throat. It is a narrow passage between the velum and the base of the tongue.