CentralBank and its monetary board — determines the rules, regulations, and monetart policies
Financial System — decribe collectively the financial market, the participants, and the financial instruments and securities that are traded in the financial market
Financial Participants
Financial Institutions
Non-Financial Institutions
Householdorconsumers — define as all rsident small groups of person, not necessarily related but who shared same living accomodation or all of their income and who consume good and sevices.
Financial Institutions — Bridge the gap between savers and borrowers.
Financial Institutions = intermediaries
Non-financial Institutions — privide services that are not neces suited by the banks
Example of Non-financial Institutions
Insurance Firms
Venture Capitalists
Currency Exchange
Microloan Organizations
Government — power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country
Central Bank — Nationalbank
Central Bank — provide financial and banking services for its country government as well as implementing the government monetary policy and issuing currency
Bangko SentralngPilipinas — the agency that is in charge of the Philippine monetary and finan system
MonetaryPolicies — refers to the regulation that affect money supply
BSP = Balancer
ExpansionaryandContractionaryPolicies — involve changing the level of money supply in a country
Expansionary Policies — expands (increase) the supply of money
Contractionary Policies — decrease the supply of the country’s currency
Money Supply — the total of currency and coins and demand deposits in the economy
Financial Market — meeting place for those buyer and seller of financial securities
PrimaryMarket — issued generally for public offering/public traded security like stocks
Secondary Market — only transfer ownership but do not affect the total outstanding shares/ securities in the market
4 Kinds of Government Securities
Cash Managment Bill
Treasury Note
Treasury Bond
Capital Market — market for long term securities
Equity Securities = Stocks
Security Market — where the companies issued common stocks/bonds that are marketable/negotiable to obtain ling term funds
Types of Secutiry Market
Stock Market
Bond Market
Derivative Market
The negotiable/ non-securities market
Auction Market
ForeignExchange Market
Future Market
Option Market
Third Market
Stock Market — medium of exchange transactions that deal equity securities
Bond Market — market where bond issued and traded
Derivative Securities Market — where derivative securities are traded
Thenegiotable/non-securitiesMarket — not limited to loan market
Auction Market — done by an independent third party
Foreign Exchange Market — the money of one country is exchanged for the money of another country.
Future Market — where contracts are originated. Contractual Agreement between a buyer and seller
Option Market — gives an investor the right but not the obligation