Cards (16)

  • The general rule of thumb is to inhale through your
  • From cognition to digestion, effective breathing can not only provide you with a greater sense of mental clarity, it can also help you sleep better, digest food more efficiently, improve your body's immune response, and reduce stress levels
  • Every system in the body relies on oxygen.
  • Bracing your core requires you to engage your entire trunk
  • parts of trunk : – abdominals, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and spinal erectors
  • Bracing is important to hold the torso in a position that is most efficient for a particular movement such as a squat or deadlift
  • Valsalva maneuver is a breathing technique that can be used to unclog ears, restore heart rhythm or diagnose an autonomic nervous system (ANS).
  • (ANS) - Autonomic nervous system
  • Contracting every abdominal muscle, from the deepest to the most superficial, to promote spinal stability and efficient biomechanics is what is coined as “abdominal bracing.”
  • eccentric
    • muscle-lengthening
  • concentric
    • muscle-shortening
  • Mastering the brace will not only be most effective for relieving back pain, but it will also teach your abdominals how to contract in unison most efficiently, which translates into increased core strength and abdominal development
  • lack of kinesthetic awareness
    • not knowing what it feels like to properly perform a movement) and lack of strength, inability to maintain form throughout the movement
  • core is anything that is part of your trunk
    • Rectus abdominus
    • Internal and external obliques
    • Transverse abdominus
    • Spinal erectors
    • Deep hip flexors
    • Pelvic floor
    • Diaphragm
    REDISTRIBUTION of tension
    REDIRECTION of force