Synapses: connections between neurons and a 2nd cell.
Presyanaptic Cell: neuron before the synapse.
Postsynaptic Cell: the cell after the synapse.
How are Synapses Stimulated?
Axodendritic: axon to dendrite.
Axosomatic: axon to cell body.
Axoaxonic: axon to axon.
Electrical Synapses:
occurs via gap junctions
found in cardiac and smooth muscle, brain neurons, and neuroglial cell.
Botulism: a bacterial toxin that leads to paralysis. Alters SNARE and synaptic vesicles cannot undergo exocytosis, NTs are not released, which prevents the diaphragm from contracting.
Terminal Boutons: enlargements at the tips of axons.
inside are synaptic vesicles with NTs
docked to the plasma membrane by SNARE
Synaptic Cleft: space between two cells. Very stable due to cell adhesion molecules.
The number of synaptic vesicles that release NTs is a result of the frequency of the AP.
Grade Potentials: vary in size. Can cause a depolarization or hyperpolarization.
conducted through the cytoplasm with cable properties