Displacement is a straight line from start to finish, making it a vector.
Speed is calculated as distance divided by time.
Velocity is speed with direction, making it a vector.
The gradient of a distance-time graph shows speed.
Acceleration is calculated as change in velocity divided by time taken, represented by the equation a = (Δv/t).
To investigate changing force on a constant mass, add a 10g mass to the weight stack, holding it so it doesn’t pull the car but the string is fully extended.
Release the car and time how long it takes for the car to travel across the bench.
To investigate changing mass with a constant force, attach a 10g mass on top of the toy car, using either the Blu-Tac or rubber bands.
Pull the car back to the starting chalk line.
Terminal velocity is the maximum speed of an object, reached when the forces moving the object are balanced by its frictional forces.
When an object falls freely, its acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.
Inertia is the measure of an object's tendency to remain at rest or moving at constant speed, represented by the equation inertia mass = force/acceleration.
Newton's first law states that if the resultant force is zero, then the object is stationary or moving at the same speed along a straight line.
Constant speed is achieved when the resistive force equals the driving force.
Inertia mass is a measure of how hard it is to change an object's velocity.
Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the resultant force acting and inversely proportional to the mass of the object, represented by the equation F = ma.
Newton's third law states that when two objects interact, the forces exerted are equal and opposite.
Braking distance is proportional to the square of velocity and mass, represented by the equation Braking distance = (0.5*mass(kg)* velocity2 (m/s))/braking force.
Thinking distance is proportional to speed and minimum distance between cars, represented by the equation Momentum = mass * velocity.
Change of momentum is calculated as force divided by time, represented by the equation Force = change of momentum/time.
The equation for force is (mass (kg) x change of velocity (m/s) ) divided by time taken (s).
Crumble zones are designed to lessen the force of impact.
Seat belts stop the wearer from going forward when the car stops.
When two vehicles collide, the impact force is exerted as equal and opposite impact forces on each other at the same time.
The equation of stopping distance is braking distance + thinking distance.
Total momentum is conserved after impact, meaning the momentum before impact is the same as the total momentum after impact.
In the centre of mass experiment, a hole is put in one corner of the card from a rod, and a plump line is used to draw a vertical line on the card.
Cushioned surfaces help by increasing the duration of impact, reducing momentum, and reducing impact force.
When impact time is increased, the impact force lowers.
The experiment involves hanging a card on different holes.
Child car seats reduce deaths and serious injuries of children in cars.
The helmet is designed to increase impact time.
Airbags help by spreading the force of impact across the upper part of the body, increasing impact time, and lowering the effect of force.
The centre of mass is the point through which the weight of an object can be considered to act.
Seat belts are placed across the chest to spread out the force.
The aim of the investigation is to investigate the relationship between force and extension for a spring.
Thinking distance is proportional to speed.
A closed system is one where no external forces act on the system.
Braking distance is proportional to speed squared.