Homeostasis consists of automatic control systems making sure the bodies internal conditions stay consistent
automatic control system
receptor cells: detect changes in the environment
stimulus: change to the environment
co-ordination centre: receives and processes information
effector: carries out the responce
Central nervous system (CNS) is the brain and spinal cord.
neurone: nerve cell
Sensory neurones carry messages from receptors to co-ordinationcentres
Neurones are specialised cells that transmit electrical impulses along their length, from one neurone to another or between a neurone and an effector organ.
Motor neurones carry messages from co-ordination centres to effectors
Required practical- reaction time
test is repeated several times so a mean is calculated
test is repeated on another person
independent variable: what is changed
dependant variable: measured for each change
control variable: what stays the same
endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
placement of glands: pancreasovariestestesthyroidadrenalpituitary
monitored by pancreas
if too high insulin is released
muscle cells and the liver store extra glycogen
type 1 diabetes: pancreas does not produce enough insulin
insulin injections after meals
type 2 diabetes: body cells do not respond to insulin