Operations Management : The discipline concerned with designing, planning, executing, and controlling the processes that transform inputs into goods and services.
Efficiency : Achieving maximum output with minimal input resources, minimizing waste and reducing costs.
Effectiveness : Producing the right outputs to meet customer needs and organizational goals.
Inputs : The resources (such as raw materials, labor, equipment, and information) used in the production of goods or services.
Processes : The series of activities and steps that transform inputs into outputs.
Outputs : The final products or services resulting from the transformation processes.
ProcessMapping : Visual representation of a process using symbols and diagrams to illustrate the flow of activities and decision points.
Flowchart : A diagram that represents a process, showing the sequence of steps and decision points.
Capacity : The maximum output a system can produce over a given period of time.
Bottleneck : The point in a process that limits the overall capacity of the system, causing delays and inefficiencies.
Supply Chain : The network of organizations, resources, activities, and technologies involved in the creation and distribution of a product or service.
Inventory : The stock of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods held by a company.
Just-in-Time: An inventory management strategy that aims to minimize inventory levels by receiving materials and producing goods only as needed.
Lean Manufacturing : A production approach that focuses on minimizing waste while maximizing value-added activities.
Total Quality Management: A management philosophy that emphasizes continuous improvement, customer focus, and employee involvement to achieve high-quality products and services.
Six Sigma : A data-driven methodology for process improvement, aiming to reduce defects and variation.
Kaizen : A Japanese term for continuous improvement, involving small, incremental changes to processes over time.
Process Improvement : The systematic effort to enhance processes to achieve better performance, quality, and efficiency.
Lead Time : The time required to complete a process from start to finish, including waiting time and processing time.
Cycle Time : The time it takes to complete a single cycle of a process, often used to
measure efficiency.
Quality Control : The processes and activities used to monitor and maintain the
quality of products or services.
Quality Assurance : Planned and systematic actions to ensure that products or
services meet specified quality standards.
Standard Operating Procedure: Documented instructions for performing
routine tasks and processes.
Key Performance Indicator: A quantifiable measure used to evaluate the
performance of a process, department, or organization.
Balanced Scorecard : A strategic performance management tool that measures and manages performance across multiple dimensions, including financial, customer, internal