Christian practices

Cards (123)

  • Liturgical worship

    Worshiping according to a set pattern on a regular basis, often led by a priest/minister using set prayers and readings from the Book of Common Prayer and Lectionary
  • Liturgical worship
    • Formal, structured, pre-planned worship
    • Consistent across congregations as they follow the same schedule
  • Non-liturgical worship

    Less formal, unstructured worship with more improvised and spontaneous forms
  • Non-liturgical worship

    • Not following a set script or pattern
    • Allows for more spontaneity and individual expression
  • Informal worship

    Charismatic worship with elements like clapping, dancing, music, and speaking in tongues
  • Informal worship

    • Embraces the moment, no pre-planned structure
    • Allows for spontaneous expressions of faith
  • Private worship

    Worship done independently and privately, e.g. personal prayer, Bible reading, meditation
  • Quaker worship
    Christians who gather in silence, with no set leader or agenda, speaking only if compelled to
  • Christians believe they need to give worth to God through worship
  • say it's not a taste of and you know John's gonna say this and then Jenny can jump in at 10 35 and then at 10 45 father Peter's gonna do the sermon none of that there is no leader there is no Minister it is simply a case of people coming together so it's not private worship people coming together and just having that space if you like being together to pray silently to speak if they feel compelled to
  • I want you to know as a result of what we've just been through there is two contrasting ways that Christians worship you might compare liturgical worship with non-litical worship
  • It is better for Christians to worship privately than publicly
  • Worship
    To give Worth to God
  • Worshipping in a group (church)
    Reading prayers together, hearing scripture, priest giving sermon, taking Holy Communion
  • Worshipping privately
    Away from other people, no distractions, spending time alone with God, meditating, reading, praying
  • Matthew 18: 'Where two or three Gather in my name there I am with them'
  • ACTS (types of prayer)

    Adoration (praise God), Contrition (apologise to God), Thanksgiving (thank God), Supplication (request from God)
  • James: 'If anyone among you suffering let him pray, is anyone cheerful let him think praise'
  • John: 'This is the confidence we have in approaching God that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us'
  • Saint Paul: 'Be constant impressed'
  • Proverbs: 'The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayers of the righteous'
  • Mark: 'Whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours'
  • James: 'The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective'
  • Lord's Prayer
    Most famous and widely used Christian prayer, taught by Jesus, contains key Christian beliefs about God
  • The Lord's Prayer is in the New Testament
  • Prayer book
    Used in Sunday Services and holy days, gives sense of solidarity with other Christians
  • Informal prayer

    Spontaneous, from the heart, in response to life
  • Sacrament
    Outward sign of invisible Grace
  • Eucharist
    Sacrament in which the death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
  • Transubstantiation
    Catholic belief that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ
  • Infant baptism
    Sacrament of initiation of babies and young children into the church, practiced by Catholics and Church of England
  • Believers baptism
    Baptism when someone old enough to understand has consciously decided to live a Christian life, practiced by Baptists
  • John 3: 'Truly I tell you no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit'
  • Matthew 28: 'Therefore go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit'
  • Matthew 3: 'Then Jesus came to Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John'
  • Truly I tell you no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit: 'Jesus'
  • Therefore go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit: 'Jesus'
  • Jesus came to Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John
  • Sacrament
    A way of becoming a member of the church and showing an acceptance of Jesus
  • Contrasting views on when baptism should take place
    • Infant baptism
    • Believers baptism