Cards (27)

  • Form and consistency: soft to formed
  • Very soft and watery - seen in diarrhea and administration of saline cathartic
  • Excessively hard and scybalous - constipation due to lack of mucus
  • Rice watery stool - cholera
  • Pea soup stool - early typhoid
  • Flattened or ribbon-like - syphilis, spastic colitis, and obstruction of the lower colon
  • Butter-like - a fibrocystic disease of pancreas
  • Gaseous and fermentative - excessive carbohydrate fermentation
  • Yellow - due to the administration of santonin and senna
  • Light clay or putty color - seen after ingestion of Barium meals
  • Reddish or bloody - bleeding of lower GIT; undigested beets and tomatoes
  • Putrid odor - found in ulcerative and malignant tumor of the lower bowel
  • Sour/rancid odor - indicates gas formation, fermentation of carbohydrate, unabsorbed fatty acids
  • Extremely foul odor - usually in alkaline stool, putrefaction of undigested protein
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • Reagents: acetic acid with benzidine powder; 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • Trace - very faint blue
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • (+) - Faint blue
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • (++) - Distinct blue
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • (+++) - Dark blue
  • Occult Blood - Benzidine method
    • (++++) - prussian blue
  • Dark red/chocolate brown - bleeding in the upper GIT
  • Black/tarry - associated with digestion of blood due to bleeding in the upper GIT
  • Greenish - amoebiasis
  • Gray - cocoa and chocolate produce dark gray stool
  • Stercobilin - responsible for the ligament
  • Normal color: light brown to dark brown due to stercobilin
  • Normal odor: foul or offensive due to indol, skatole, and butyric acid