has humanity as its object of research, but unlike other human sciences, it tries to grasp its object through its most diverse manifestations.
"Anthropos" - human and reason
"logos" - study of human.
The study of humankind in all times and all places; includes topics such as human origin, globalization, social change, and world history.
Goals of anthropology
Tries to account for the social and cultural variation in the world while conceptualizing and understanding similarities between social systems and human relationships.
Archaeological Anthropology is concerned with the material remains of past cultures and societies.
Biological or Physical Anthropology studies the biological aspects of humans including their physical characteristics, evolutionary development, and genetics.
Linguistic Anthropology focuses on language and communication within different cultures and how they are used to convey meaning.
Goals of anthropology
Account for the interrelationships between different aspects of human existence.
Goals of anthropology
Discover what makes people different from one another in order to understand and preserve diversity.
Cultural Anthropology
Refers to the study of living people and their cultures including variation and change.
Cultural anthropologists also study art, religion, migration, marriage, and family.
Biological Anthropology
The study of humans as biological organisms including their evolution and contemporary variation.
Biological Anthropology
Can intersect with other fields of science such as biology, medicine, psychology.
Linguistic Anthropology
Refers to the study of communication. mainly (but not exclusively) among humans.
Linguistic Anthropology
Includes the study of communication's origins, history, and contemporary variation.
Refers to the study of past human cultures through their material remains. It is the study of past human cultures through the recovery and analysis of artifacts.
The study of human social relationships and institutions.
Study of groups and societies that people build and how these affect their behavior.
Goals of Sociology
Seeks to understand how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.
According to Greg Jackson. "sociologists look for patterns that reflect particular generalities of the society. A sociologist might study an individual's behavior or actions to see how it
Branches of Sociology
Started around 1839 A.D.
when did the Branches of Sociology
started around 1839 A.D.
Branches of Sociology
A vast body of knowledge that has many subdivisions based on its contents.
Theoretical sociology
It includes micro theory or small/middle/large theory. The theories of Karl Marx. August Cimte, Max Wever, Emmile Durkhaim. Sorokin, etc are studied under the theories of sociology.
Historical sociology
It is the study of social facts and social groups. It studies the background of any social event.
Sociology of Knowledge
The newly emerged branch of sociology indicates that our knowledge is the product of social phenomena. This means our knowledge is always influenced by society.
This branch of sociology studies the criminal behavior of individuals or groups: Origin of crime its types of nature, causes as well as law. punishment, police, etc.
Sociology of Religion
It analyses the social behavior of human beings. It also studies the religious constitutions and their role in the society.
This branch of sociology studies production. distribution, consumption and exchange of goods and services.
Rural sociology
Studies the way of life of rural people as the rural population is higher than the urban.
Urban sociology
Studies the way of life of urban people. It gives information about the social organizations and institution of urban society as well as social structure and social interaction.
Political Sociology
Studies different political moments of society. It includes the study of different political ideology (view), their origin, development and function
Sociology of Demography
Demography of scientific mathematical and statically study of population. It studies about the size, situation, composition, density. distribution, and measurement etc. of the population.
Sociology of Law
Related to moral order for the society as formulation and implementation of rules and regulations, law and order come under this.
Industrial Sociology
Studies the different industrial organizations and institutions. As well as their interrelationship and links with other various institutions of society.
Political Science
the systematic study of governance by the application of empirical and generally scientific methods of analysis.
Domestic Politics
the most common field of study; include public opinion, elections, national government, and state, local, or regional government
Comparative Politics
focuses on politics within countries (often grouped into world regions) and analyzes similarities and differences between countries.
International Relations
considers the political relationships and interactions between countries. including the causes of war, the formation of foreign policy.