Cards (10)

  • To allow (permitir/autorizar)
    Smoking is not allowed here. (Não é permitido fumar aqui)
  • To add
    She added him on Facebook. (Ela o adicionou no Facebook)
  • To appear (aparecer)
    They appeared on TV. (Eles apareceram na TV)
  • To ask (perguntar/pedir)
    He asked my name. (Ele perguntou meu nome)
    She asked him to close the door. (Ela pediu para ele fechar a porta)
  • To be (ser/estar)
    I was really tired. (Eu estava muito cansado)
    They were my teachers. (Eles eram meus professores)
  • To become (tornar-se)
    We became friends. (Noes tornamos amigos)
  • To begin (começar)
    The film had begun when we arrived (O filme tinha começado quando chegamos)
  • To believe (acreditar)
    I believed our team would win. (Eu acreditei que nosso time venceria)
  • To bring (trazer)
    I brought my sister to the party (Eu trouxe minha irmã para a festa)
  • To call (telefonar/chamar(
    I will call Mary and invite her for my party. (Vou telefonar para a Mary e convida-la para a minha festa)
    She called her mom to come see the puppy. (Ela chamou a mãe para vir ver o filhote de cachorro)