Cards (159)

  • The commercialisation of sport has seen sports being hevaily influenced by media and sponsorship.
  • Commercialisation has led to large amounts of money coming in and going out of sport.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through the lottery which is public funding.
  • One place money comes in to sport is voluntary or charity donations.
  • One place money comes in to sport is from tax, like public council tax.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through sponsorhsip.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through private funding.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through tv rights.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through fees for playing and competing in sports.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through fines given to players.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through sports facilities hosting events.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through the FA university.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through the hospitality provided by sports venues.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through ticket sales.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through merchandise sold.
  • One place money comes in to sport is through advertisements sold in sports facilities.
  • One place money goes out of sport is bills of sports facilities.
  • One place money goes out of sport is wages of players.
  • One place money goes out of sport is equipment.
  • One place money goes out of sport is building and maintaining facilities.
  • One place money goes out of sport is the fees for player transfers and agents.
  • One place money goes out of sport is the fees for referees.
  • A factor leading to the commercialisation of contemporary physical activity and sport is growing public interest and spectatorship.
  • A factor leading to the commercialisation of contemporary physical activity and sport is more media interest.
  • A factor leading to the commercialisation of contemporary physical activity and sport is professionalism.
  • A factor leading to the commercialisation of contemporary physical activity and sport is advertising.
  • A factor leading to the commercialisation of contemporary physical activity and sport is sponsorship.
  • Growing public interest and spectatorship is people wanting to watch sports through TV and Live matches which drives commercialisation.
  • Growing public interest is an increased global audience which increases revenue which drives commercialisation.
  • The effects of the growing public interest and spectatorship can be seen through comparing netball and football which drives commercialisation.
  • More media interest means there is more matches on TV which drives commercialisation.
  • More media interest means more sports channels which drives commercialisation.
  • More media interest means there is a higher quality of footage which drives commercialisation.
  • More media interest means there is increased opportunities to sell sponsors which drives commercialisation.
  • Professionalism means athletes are paid full time for training and competitions which drives commercialisation.
  • Professionalism increases standards of sport and the amount of people watching which drives commercialisation.
  • Advertising promotes the sport and sponsors which increases awareness and revenue which drives commercialisation.
  • Sponsorship gives money and equipment for a profit which increases revenue for the sponsor which drives commercialisation.
  • Prior to the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, the Olympic Games were run as an Amateur competition with very little sponsorship, media coverage and ticket sales.
  • The 1976 Montreal Olympics were a financial disaster with debts escalating from the estimated figure of 💲120 million to approx 💲1.6 billion and taking the the city 40 years to pay off.