Skeletal muscles only contract when stimulated by electrical impulses from the central nervous system.
A nerve impulse is initiated in the motor neuron. The impulse is conducted down the axon of the motor neuron by a nerveactionpotential. A neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) is secreted into the synapticcleft to conduct the impulse across the gap to contract the muscle.
Allornone law: If the electrical charge is above threshold, muscle fibre contracts. Either all muscle fibres give a completecontraction, or no contraction at all.
Motor Neurons: specialised cells which transmit nerve impulses to muscle fibres.
ActionPotential: positive electric charge in nerve and muscle cells which conducts the impulse.
Axon: branches off nerve cells to connect to muscle fibres (at the neuromuscular junction).
Synaptic Cleft: gap between axon motor end plates and msucle fibre.