Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a compound which stores energy. Often known as the energy currency. It's breakdown gives energy. In the body we have 85g of ATP in the body which lasts 2 seconds.
An advantage of ATP is it is immediately available.
An advantage of ATP is it is high intensity.
An advantage of ATP is it can be resynthesised.
A disadvantage of ATP is it only lasts 2-3 seconds.
Breakdown of ATP:
ATPase is the enzyme used to break down ATP. ATP is broken down into adenosine diphosphate and a single phosphate molecule. This occurs by an exothermic reaction.
Resynthesis of ATP:
For ATP to be rebuilt an endothermic reaction has to occur. ATP is re-synthesised from ADP and a single molecule combining.
ATP is resynthesised by using ADP Phosphorylation and energy.