Energy Continuum: the relative contribution of each energy system to overall energy production depending on intensity and duration of the activity.
If the exercise is extremelyhigh intensity the ATP system is used.
If the exercise is veryhighintensity the ATP-PC system is used.
If the intensity is high the glycolytic system is used
If the intensity is low the aerobic system is used
If the duration is 2-3 seconds the ATP store is used
If the duration is less than 10 seconds the ATP-PC system is used
If the duration is 10s-3mins the glycolytic system is used
If the duration is longer than 3 minutes the aerobic system is used
The point at which one energy system takes over as the prodominant energy system for energy production is called the energy system threshold
If oxygen available the aerobic energy system is used
If oxygen is not available the anaerobic systems are used
At high intensity exercise, if phosphocreatine is available the ATP-PC system will be used
At high intensity exercise, if phosphocreatine isn't available the glycolytic system will be used.
Factors that affect which energy system is used are: exercise intensity; exercise duration; energy system thresholds; oxygen availability; fuel availability; enzyme action; fitness level; position of the player; tactics; level of competition; and structure of the game.
As ATP decreases, ADP increases which releases creatine kinase which will use the ATP PC system.
As PC decreases, ADP increases, ATP increases, phosphofructokinase is released meaning the glycolytic system is used.
After PFK released, the glycolytic system is used, once oxygen arrives Coenzyme A is used as the predominant energy system becomes the aerobic energy sytem.
A non trained performer will hit OBLA earlier and work aerobically.
Trained performers work aerobically at higher intensities. They can also use FFA's due to the extra oxygen
The ATP-PC / glycolytic threshold is the point at which the ATP-PC energy system is exhausted and the glycolytic system takes over, occurs at approximately 10 seconds.
The glycolytic / aerobic threshold is the point at which the glycolytic energy system is exhausted and the aerobic system takes over, occurs at approximately 3 minutes