spina bifida

Cards (13)

  • spina bifida is a neural tube defect that occurs in the spinal cord and affects mainly the lumbar area
  • the cause of spina bifida is unknown, but it may be due to genetic factors or environmental factors such as folic acid deficiency during pregnancy
  • spina bifida can be prevented with increased folic acid intake
  • there are 3 types of spina bifida: myelomeningocele, meningocele, and spina bifida occulta
  • spina bifida occulta is mostly harmless but fat may deposit where the missing vertebrae are and cause a tethered spinal cord, the main concern is mobility
  • spina bifida occulta is confirmed by MRI
  • with spina bifida occulta, assess for tufts of dark hair, discoloration, and dimpling of skin
  • meningocele spina bifida is less severe than myelomeningocele because the spinal cord isn't involved
  • meningocele has an acorn size sac with cerebral spinal fluid that is prone to leakage, this sac cannot dry or crack
  • meningocele is confirmed by MRI, CT scans, transillumination, and ultrasounds
  • myelomeningocele has a grapefruit-sized sac that protrudes the spinal cord, increasing its severity
  • monitor head circumference and fontanelles with myelomeningocele
  • nursing interventions to keep the sac protected until surgery to prevent leakage include:
    keeping it moist with non-adherent sterile saline dressings
    placing pt in prone position
    avoiding diapers
    feeding with the head turned to the side