Fish use gills for respiration, and water is pumped over gills, allowing oxygen to diffuse from the water into the bloodstream while carbon dioxide diffuses out.
Birds have air sacs and lungs, and air flows through the respiratory system in a unidirectional manner, allowing for continuous oxygen exchange during both inhalation and exhalation.
Fish increase gas exchange efficiency using countercurrent exchange, running blood through the system in the opposite direction to water keeps a diffusion gradient throughout the entire exchange.
Gills are widely seen in aquatic animals but not in land animals because one group of land animals that have gills is the Isopods (“pill bugs” and “sow bugs”).
The alveoli are moist, thin-walled pockets which are the site of gas exchange, a slightly oily surfactant prevents the alveolar walls from collapsing and sticking together.
When people quit smoking, if the lungs are not damaged they can often clean themselves because the cilia are no longer paralyzed, but people with cystic fibrosis have trouble with lung infections because their lung mucus is thick and sticky.
A normal CFTR protein regulates the amount of chloride ions across the cell membrane of lung cells, and if the interior of the cell is too salty, water is drawn from lung mucus by osmosis, causing the mucus to become thick and sticky.
Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common inherited disorders in the Caucasian population in the U.S, caused by a mutation of a single gene, the CFTR gene, which controls salt balance in the lungs.
Cells use up oxygen quickly for cellular respiration, creating carbon dioxide during cellular respiration, so CO2 levels in the cell are higher than in the blood coming to them, aiding in the uptake of oxygen.
Cigarette smoke cures colds because it kills bacteria in the lungs, but nicotine is one of the most potent neurotoxins on earth, and “passive” smoking is less harmful than “regular” smoking.
Inhaled smoke contains CO2, carcinogenic chemicals that can trigger tumors, and toxic nicotine, which paralyzes cilia that normally clean the lungs, affecting the CO2 diffusion gradient.