
Cards (22)

  • What are Murdock’s view on the nuclear family

    It is universal and necessary. There are 4 functions
    1. Sexual
    2. Economic
    3. Reproductive
    4. Educative
  • What are Parsons views on the nuclear family?

    There are two functions:
    • Socialisation of Children
    • Stabilisation of Adult Emotions
    Men serve an “instrumental“ role and Women serve an “expressive” role
  • What are Popenoe’s views on the Nuclear Family

    Gender Roles match the biosocial reality
  • What are Murray’s views on the nuclear family?

    It is the best type as children receive adequate socialisation
  • What does Morgan think needs to happen to support the nuclear family?

    A greater state support for marriages
  • Why do Dennis and Erdos think the nuclear family is the best type?

    Children are better educated and healthier
  • What does Schlafly think about the nuclear family

    A woman’s role is a wife and mother. Maternal deprivation occurs
  • What does Engels think about the nuclear family?

    Developed alongside capitalism. Exists to support Legitimate Male Heirs. The domestics role should be communised
  • What does Zaretsky think about the nuclear family?

    Benefits the ruling class in 2 ways
    1. Socialises children to be compliant workers
    2. Acts as a “unit of consumption”
  • What does Cooper think about the nuclear family?

    It is an “ideological conditioning device”
  • What do Delphy and Leonard think about the nuclear family?

    It is a form of patriarchal control
  • What does Stanko say about domestic violence?

    An act of it occurs every 6 seconds
  • What does Benston think about the nuclear family?

    Women play two roles in it
    1. They raise the future workforce
    2. They keep men in working order
  • What does Crompton think about the nuclear family?

    It serves as a unit of class reproduction
  • What does Sommerville say about women?

    They don’t have to stay in bad relationships anymore
  • What does Giddens say about the nuclear family?

    Their is an existence of confluent love and a democratisation of the family
  • What do Beck and Beck-Gernsheim believe we live in?

    A risk-based society
  • What does Lyotard say about the nuclear family?

    It benefits some and not others
  • What does Bernardes say about the nuclear family?

    Family situation is fluid
  • What does Bauman say about the nuclear family?

    There is a lack of clarity in roles
  • What does Ansley say about the nuclear family?

    Women are ”takers of shit”
  • Maternal Deprivation
    When a child's development is stunted due to a lack of contact/affection from their mother. Contested theory