Top-down approach

Cards (11)

  • Developed in the United States FBI.
    Aim: develop general typology of criminal behaviour on actual data gathered from captured criminals and past crime scenes
    FBI agents able to match features crime/scene with particular criminal based on weather it is an organised or disorganised crime
  • Crime scene characteristics reveal great deal about offenders lifestyle and personal characteristics
  • Organised criminal -
    • above average IQ
    • sexually and socially competent
    • Usually lives with a partner
    • Experienced anger, depression at time committing crime
    • crime scenes show sings of careful planning
    • victim a targeted stranger
  • Disorganised criminal:
    • below average IQ
    • sexually + socially inadequate
    • Frightened, confused at time committing crime - possibly due too previous physical or sexual abuse
    • Crime scene show no signs of planning or control
    • victim selected at random
  • There are 4 main stages when building a profile:
    1. Gathering data from the crime scene such as photographs, interviews and pathology reports
  • There are 4 main stages when building a profile:
    2. claifying crime scene as being either organised or disorganises
  • There are 4 main stages when building a profile:
    3. reconstruction of the scene and hypothesising about the victim and offender behaviour and the sequence of events
  • There are 4 main stages when building a profile:
    4. generating a profile of the offender based on the crime scene classification and hypotheses
  • evaluation: Validity - not based on scientific principle - based on intuition and experience
    Hazelwood and Douglas study was based on self-reports, cannot be relied on for Validity
  • Evaluation: reliability - distinction between two types are oversimplification making it hard to categorise (lacks reliability)
    classifications not greatly detailed and often involve subjective interpretation (lack reliability)
  • Evaluation: Generalisability - typologies limited to muderers and rapists and is little value when looking at other crimes
    origins are based on restricted sample of 36 serial sex offenders - can't be generalised to a wide population