Jesus' resurrection was witnessed by many people, including women.
Giorgio Frassati was born in Turin, Italy, on April 6, 1901
St. Dominic's name is played as domini canis or also known as "hounds or dogs of Lord
If you are a watch dog, you are a praiser of God
St. Dominic was canonized on July13,1234
The second miracle attributed to St. Dominic occurred during an epidemic where he prayed over the sick and they recovered
St. Thomas was born in 1225 in the Castle of ROccasecca in SIcily from a wealthy family
St. Dominic was born in Caleruega, Spain in 1170.
St. Dominic died in August 6, 1211
Canonization is the declaration of being a saint
St. Dominic's feast day is on August 8
St. Dominic founded "The Order of Preachers" for Dominicans
St. Dominic joined canon regular, and became the superior's assistant afterwards
CanonRegular is a religious community attached to the cathedral of the .diocese.
St. Dominic was taken by the bishop of Osma, Diego de Acebo in 1203 for a mission
St. Dominic's first journey faced threats from the church of Albegensians heretics, or Cathari, who were developing the Manicheaen's teaching, which he tried to fix.
The Manicheaen's teachings said that everything in the world is evil, so they tried to wash their sins by not eating anything.
Pope Innocent the III created a mission to oppose against the heresy of Albegensians.
St. Dominic taught people in Albegensians to live a simple life to free themselves from evil things, starting his "evangelical teachings."
On Dominic's second journey, he started a convent of nuns at Proullie from a group of women from heresy
In St. Dominic's third journey, he went to Rome in 1215 with Foulques De Marseille for the Four Lateran Council to lay out plans
In 1216, Dominic went back to Toulouse with his 16 companions]
The rule of St. Agustin was adopted in the meeting called "capitulum fundationis"
The three evangelical councils are; poverty, chastity, and obedience
St. Dominic received his sanction on December 22, 1216 by PopeHonorius III
Blendingofelements is when we place no boundaries to God and our neighbor so we can build spirituality among our community.
Apostolic element is when we preach in every way we can, following the apostolic way of life and missionary.
Doctrinal element is when we constantly read old and new testaments.
Priestly element is the loyalty for God and the church
The monastic element shows no commitment to any material things, only to God.
THe rosary summarizes the liturgical cycle, as it represents our affective devotion and strict theology.
Prayer is needed before to start anything
Study is needed to create a prepared preach through learning scriptures
Community shows justice and equity; if a person owns something then all owns it.
Preaching is sharing ministry of good wordings or virtues
St. Thomas was nicknamed as the "dumb ox"
St. Thomas was born in 1225 in Sicily, Spain
St. Thomas created the Summa Theologica
Summa Theologica is about how God reconciled with humans
Saint Thomas is famous for his 5 arguments why God exist.