A fluid or medium to carry nutrients and oxygen around the body (blood)
A pump to create pressure that will push the fluid around the body (heart)
Exchange surfaces
Tubes to carry the blood (vessels)
A double circulatory system
Define Single Circulatory System:
Where blood flows through the heart once as it travels through one circuit
Define Double circulatory system:
Where blood flows through the heart twice as it travels through two circuits.
Define Closed circulatory system:
Where blood pumped by the heart is contained within blood vessels. The blood does not come into direct contact with the cells.
Define Open circulatory system:
Where blood pumped by the heart is not contained within blood vessels, but moves freely. The blood comes into direct contact with the cells.
What type of circulatory system do fish have?
closed single
What type of circulatory system do insects have?
List the route the blood takes in the fish's closed single circulatory system:
capillaries ⇛ body tissues
List the route the blood takes in mammals' closed double circulatory system:
body tissues
Define Pulmonary circulation:
The circuit that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
Define Systemic circulation:
The circuit that carries oxygenated blood around the body from the lungs to tissues
All vertebrates besides fish have a closeddouble circulatory system
In amphibians and most reptiles there is some mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the heart as it is not completely divided.
What are the two types of closed circulatory systems:
Name two features of an insect's circulatory system:
tubular heart
Define Ostia in insects:
Pores on the heart that allow the uptake of blood fluid (haemolymph)
Describe the location of the tubular heart in insects.
stretched across the dorsal surface
Small organisms do not need a circulatory system, as they have a large surface area to volume ratio, diffusion allows the adequate exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste
The capillaries are surrounded by body cells and tissue fluid
Describe the circulatory system in fish:
closed single circulatory system
twochambers = one atrium, one ventricle
lowblood pressure
rate of blood flow is low
blood travels through two sets of capillaries after being pumpedout of the heart
capillaries are close to the surface of the lamellae of the gills
the rate of exchange is limited
capillaries ⇛ body tissues
Fish are not metabolically active as mammals, they do not maintain their body temperature ∴ they need less energy for activity and heat from food
The systemic circulation carries blood at a higher pressure than the pulmonary circulation
Mammals are metabolically active animals, they maintain their body temperature ∴ they need more energy for activity and heat from food
What two processes create a lot of heat for mammals?
respiration and high metabolism
In open circulatory systems, circulation is affected by body movements
State the three major blood vessels:
Define Vein:
A type of blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from around the body to the heart under low pressure
Where in the circulatory system do veins form?
when venules join up
Large lumen = 10mm diameter, maximises the volume of deoxygenated blood flowing to the heart, acts as a reservoir of blood, moves against gravity
thin walls = low pressure
Found between skeletal muscles = when contracted, adds pressure causing blood to flow
Thin layer of smooth muscle = allows vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Little elastic fibres = no pulse of blood, no need to stretch and recoil
semi-lunar valves = ensures blood flows in one direction, prevents backflow
Endothelium = lines the lumen, reduces friction
Define Capillaries:
The smallest type of blood vessel that forms a large network to connect the arterioles to the venules. They are the site of exchange of substances between the blood and body tissues.
Describe the structure of the capillaries:
narrow lumen = 7μm diameter, erythrocytes must squeeze through in a single file, closer to the walls, more efficient diffusion
large network = provides large surface area, more efficient diffusion
rate of flow is slow = allows more time for substances to diffuse
permeable walls = small gaps
Endothelium = one cell thick, made of squamous epithelial cells, short diffusion distance, reduces friction
Define Artery:
A type of blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to body tissues under high pressure
Name the three layers of the artery wall:
Tunica Intima
Tunica media
Tuncia adventitia
What does the tuncia adventitia layer of the artery wall contain?
collagen and elastic tissue
State what each of the layers of the artery wall contain:
Tunica Intima = elastic tissue and endothelium
Tunica media = smooth muscle
Tuncia adventitia = collagen and elastic tissue
List all the blood vessels:
Blood passes through the heart twice in each complete circuit.
State the two types of circulation:
Define Arteriole:
A type of blood vessel that connects the arteries and the capillaries
Define Venule:
A type of blood vessel that connects the capillaries and the veins