The compound or chemical species to be measured, separated or studied
Classical Methods (Earliest Techniques)
 a.) Separations: precipitation, extraction, distillation
 b.) Qualitative: boiling points, melting points, refractive index, color, odor, solubilities
 c.) Quantitative: titrations, gravimetric analysis
Instrumental Methods (~post-1930’s)
a). separations: chromatography, electrophoresis, etc.
b). Qualitative or Quantitative: spectroscopy, electrochemicalmethods,
 massspectrometry, NMR,radiochemicalmethods, etc
Measurements invariably involve errors and uncertainties.
it is impossible to perform a chemicalanalysis that is totally free of errors or uncertainties
We can only hope to minimize errors and estimate their size with acceptable accuracy
Errors are caused by faulty calibrations or standardizations or by random variations and uncertainties in results
Frequentcalibrations, standardizations, and analyses of known samples can sometimes be used to lessen all but the random errors and uncertainties.
error refers to the difference between a measuredvalue and the “true” or “known” value.
error often denotes the estimated uncertainty in a measurement or experiment.
The degree to which an experimental result  approaches the true or accepted answer.
Absolute Error = (X – μ)
Relative Error (%) = 100(X – μ)/μ
where:Â Â X = The experimental result
 μ = The true result
All Methods, except counting, contain errors – don’t know “true” value
Two types of error: random or systematic
Random Error :  results in a scatter of results centered on the true value  for repeated measurements on a single sample.
Systematic Error : results in all measurements exhibiting a definite difference from the true valueÂ
Precision :  The reproducibility of results. The degree to which an  experimental result varies from one determination to  the next.
Precision is related to random error and Accuracy is related to systematic error.
To improve the reliability and to obtain information about the variability of results, two to five portions (replicates) of a sample are usually carried through an entire analytical procedure.
Replicates are samples of about the same size that are carried through an analysis in exactly the same way
•Individual results from a set of measurements are seldom the same
•Usually, the “best” estimate is considered to be the central value for the set.
•The central value of a set should be more reliable than any of the individual results.
•Usually, the mean or the median is used as the central value for a set of replicate measurements.
The mean, also called the arithmetic mean or the average, is obtained by dividing the sum of replicate measurements by the number of measurements in the set
The mean, also called the arithmetic mean or the average, is obtained by dividing the sum of replicate measurements by the number of measurements in the set
The median is the middle value in a set of data that has been arranged in numerical order.
The median is used advantageously when a set of data contain an outlier. An outlier is a result that differs significantly from others in the set.
An outlier can have a significant effect on the mean of the set but has no effect on the median.
Ways to Describe Precision: RESPONSE
Range :Â Â the high to low values measured in a repeat series of experiments
Standard Deviation : describes the distribution of the measured results about      the mean or average value.
Response :  The way in which the result or signal of a method  varies with the amount of compound or property being  measured
Calibration Curve: A plot of the result or signal vs. the known amount of a known  compound or property (standard) being measured.
Parameters used to Describe a Calibration Curve:
SENSITIVITY : ability to discriminate between small differences in analyte concentration.
SELECTIVITY : degree to which the method is free from interference by other species in the sample
LIMITS OF DETECTION : minimum/maximum concentration or mass of analyte that can be  detected at a known confidence level.
DYNAMIC RANGE : linear region of calibration curve where the lower limit is ten times  the standard deviation of the blank.
plot of the number of occurrences or population of each measurement (Gaussian curve)Â
Noise : random variation in signal or background
Signal : net response recorded by a method for a sample