When defences are overcome due to injury or contamination, the immune response shifts to red alert, starting with an acute inflammatory response at the site of infection
We fight invaders effectively through antibodies circulating in our bloodstream and immune cells in areas rich in white cells such as the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes
The yellow areas in this diagram show the areas that either produce the white cells (bone marrow) or help in their development (thymus). The spleen and lymph nodes are shown in blue. The Peyer’s patches in the small intestine are clusters of immune cells which detect pathogens in the gut
Comparison of the innate and adaptive immune systems
Major elements: Soluble factors - Lysozyme, complement, interferon
Cells - phagocytes, natural killer cells
Response to microbial infection: First contact - +, Second contact - +, Non-specific response - No memory of previous encounter, Resistance not improved by repeated contact
Major elements: Antibody, cytokines
Cells - T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes
Response to microbial infection: First contact - ++, Second contact - ++++, Specific response - Memory of a previous encounter, Resistance improved by repeated contact
Humans are very polymorphic in their MHC molecules expressed on all body cells of the body (except erythrocytes). Of all human genes sequenced, the MHC is the most polymorphic of all. A total of 35 million phenotype permutations are possible which is good for fighting infections. However, this makes tissue typing donor and recipient before a kidney transplant in the hope of a 100 % match almost impossible to achieve!
Mate selection and MHC in mice. Genetic information about MHC status is relayed by androgen-based pheromones in mammals. Numerous studies in rodents have now established that MHC genotype is involved in odour production, and such odours are used in individual discrimination. House mice learn the MHC identity of their family during development and avoid mating with individuals carrying familial MHC genes; they do so through the use of odour cues from urine. This is great for maintaining MHC diversity!
Circulating lymphocytes meet antigen in lymph nodes local to the infected site. Lymphocytes that have never seen antigen (naïve lymphocytes) recirculate constantly between the lymph nodes of the body. If they encounter a pathogen within the draining lymph node they become activated and return to the bloodstream to find the infected tissue to destroy the infectious agent. This whole process takes 4-6 days! Luckily the innate immune response is already tackling the infection from day 1
The correct labelling sequence for the missing labels in the schematic of a typical neuron is 1) AxonHillock, 2) Dendrites, 3) Axon, 4) Myelin Sheath, 5) Synapse