
Cards (11)

  • initial and actual configurations are almost identical

    (no influence of displacements onto static values)
    • from newtons first law
    • a body in motion tends to have constant speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force
  • Complex (combined) structure - a structure with parts of different
    types: beam, frame, truss, arch, etc
  • three shields connection is stable/ rigid if each pair is connected by two bars (or 1 hinge = 2 bars )
    • the points of intersection of each pair ARE NOT collinear (współliniowe)
  • Virtual veocity - consistent with the constraints
  • Invariants of a tensor
    • are independent of transformation due to rotation of the frame
  • Stress state
    collection of all stress vectors from all cross sections
  • hookes law
    • deformation of an object is directly proportional to the deforming force
    • F=k * x
  • q1 acts horizontally
    q2 acts VERTICALLY
  • dilatation is the relative change of volume due to deformation
    equals the sum of the diagonal elements of the strain tensor.  Thus,
  • The difference between the effects of two different but statically equivalent loads (applied on sufficiently small
    part of the boundary) becomes very small at sufficiently large distances from load
  • any deformation of a rigid body consists of:
    • translation and rotation of the principal axes
    • and elongations or shortening along these axes