External factors influencing a business's activities and determining its success or failure include market conditions and competition, incomes, interest rates, demographic factors, environmental issues and fair trade.
Market conditions are the features of a market, such as the level of sales, sales growth, price levels, the number and strength of rivals, their market position and market share, etc.
If there are many competitors in the market, it will increase the selling power of the supplier as they will have a range of firms wanting to buy their goods or services, which can push costs up.
Incomes will clearly have an impact on the demand for all goods, with some products such as normal and luxury goods seeing sales rise as income levels rise.
Fair trade is a system in which producers in developing countries are paid a fair price for their products, and businesses are committed to sourcing products from fair trade suppliers.
Demographic factors, including migration and the size and age of the population, can increase costs to the public sector, such as health care and education.