The Famine

Cards (36)

  • The Famine in Ireland led to a significant decrease in the population due to starvation, disease, and emigration.
  • One cause of rapid population growth was that people married young and had large families
  • Primary source of food was potatoes
  • Potatoes were highly nutritios and could feed alot of people.
  • Large tenant farmers rented over 30 acres
  • Large tenant farmers ate milk, meat and veg and had labourors
  • Small tenant farmers had 5 to 30 acres
  • Small tenant farmers ate milk and potatoes.
  • Poorest were called landless labourers
  • Poorest were also called spilpini and cottiers.
  • Cottiers had 1 acre and travelled looking for work.
  • Main cause of the famine was the blight
  • Blight-an airborn disease that caused leaves to turn yellow and fall off, made potaotoes inedible
  • Blight arrived in Ireland in 1845 and spread rapidly
  • 4 million people relied on potatoes and were very affected by the blight.
  • Subdivision of land- people farming on smaller areas of land, they were dividing land between people in their family
  • Cottiers worked in exchange for rent,had no money to buy other food.
  • Blight arrived in 1845 but didnt affect the crop too bad.
  • Blight returned in 1846 and 75% of the potatoe crop was destroyed
  • Led to starvation for the poorest and diseases such as typhus and scarlet fever spread and killed people.
  • 1847 known as Black 47
  • 1847 the blight was less but there was no seed as it was eaten so no food.
  • in 1848 more potatoes were planted but blight struck again. Causing people who survived to die or emigrate.
  • Blight returned in 1849 and 1850 but was not bad.
  • In 1845, Robert Peel imported maize to feed millions for a month.
  • Peel set up public work schemes to help poor to make money by helping built roads.
  • People went to live in government run houses, were overcrowded and dirty,worked there to pay for it
  • New british government didnt want to interfere by sending money on famine refief.
  • Man in charge of government- Charles, described famine as judgement of god and the irish deserved it.
  • Irelands population fell by 2 million.
  • Subdivition- dividing land between sons
  • Subdivition ended and land was givin to the oldest son
  • Agriculture changed from crop to cattle
  • Anti-British feeding inceased as irish complained Britsh didnt help them enough
  • Irish language declined as irish speakers died or emigrated
  • High levels of emigration continued for decades.