Civil Air Law

Cards (20)

  • What year was the paris convention?
  • what convention happened on 1926?
    Iberro-American convention
  • What convention happened in 1927, International Radio Convention
  • When was the Pan American Convention on Commericial Aviation? 1928 (FEB20)
  • What was the convention on 1929?
    Warsaw Convention
  • What convention happened in 1933?
    1st International Sanitary Convention
  • What convention happened in 1938?
    Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Assistance and Rescue of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea
  • What convention happened in 1944 (DEC 7)?
    Chicago Convention
  • What convention happened in 1948?
    Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft (Geneva Convention)
  • What convention happened in 1952?
    Convention on Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface (Rome Convention)
  • What convention happened in 1959?
    Convention establishing the Agency for the Safety of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar
  • What convention happened in 1960?
    Convention on European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)
  • What convention happened in 1961?
    Guadalajara Convention
  • What convention happened in 1963 (SEPT 14)?
    Tokyo Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft
  • What convention happened in 1970 (DEC 16)?
    Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (Hague Convention)
  • What convention happened in 1971 (SEPT 23)?
    Montreal Convention
  • What convention happened in 1991?
    Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
  • What convention happened in 1999?
    New Warsaw Convention
  • What convention happened in 2001?
    International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol
  • Diplomatic Conference on Aviation in Beijing adopted Hague and Montreal Convention