Feeling, in general, is an emotional state or reaction, experience of physical sensation, like feeling of joy, feeling of warmth, love, affection, tenderness, etc.
A total emotionaldecision is very fast in comparison to rational decision
Emotions may provide a way for coding and compacting experience, enabling faster response selection. This may point to why experts’“gut”level decisions have high accuracy rates.
✓ We make quick decisions without knowing why, and then create rational reasons to justify a poor emotional decision.
✓ According to some linguisticphilosophers, called “emotivist” the statement “stealingiswrong” is not a statement of fact, it is an expression of desire or emotion.
✓ The rule or maxim “Stealing is wrong” means “I
desire that you do not steal.”
- is the view that moral judgments do not function as statements of fact but as expressions of the speaker’s or writer’s feelings.
- The emotivist thus says that ethical statements being emotional expressions are not verifiable.
• Aristotle wrote:
“Anyone can get angry --- that is easy--- but to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time with the right motive, and in the right way, this is not for everyone, nor is it easy.”
Your anger should not be displaced. The moral person manages his/her feelings well.