E.g. Christian + Hindu see same divinity; Christian experiences-as Mary, Hindu Krishna
Swinburne argument for religious experience
cumulative argument, principles of credulity + testimony
William James: 4 marks of mystical religious experience
Passive, Ineffable, Noetic, Transitory
“There is no religion in which the numinous does not live at its innermost core” (Otto)
example of REs:
- 1994 Toronto blessing: uncontrollable crying, laughing caused by HS
- 1917 Fatima visitations, Portugal: Mary visited 3 children + 10,000s saw sun zigzag
Kenneth Ring: 4 common features of near-death experience
Out-of-body, Feel at peace, Enter dark, See light
Kenneth Ring: 4 common features of near-death experience
Out-of-body, Feel at peace, Enter dark, See light
propositional revelation - God directly communicates, e.g. through visions, dreams
non-propositional revelation - someone comes to a moment of realisation about divine truth, with no direct intervention from God; e.g. scripture, natural world