Types of LTM

Cards (5)

  • What are the 3 different types of LTM?
    Episodic, semantic and procedural
  • What is episodic memory?
    Episodes/events in your life, e.g. your wedding day
  • What is semantic memory?
    The meanings of words/facts, e.g. who won Wimbledon last year
  • What is procedural memory?
    Skills/how we do things, e.g. playing the piano
  • Evaluate the theory of the different types of LTM.
    + Clive Wearing: semantic and procedural memory were unaffected, but episodic memory was damaged: he could remember how to play the piano and read music, but could not remember what he had done 30 minutes earlier
    + RWA: allows psychologists to help people with memory problems (especially episodic) interventions have been developed to improve episodic memories in older people
    -poor agreement on where each type of LTM is located in the brain