Ligament injury classification

Cards (6)

  • Grade 1 ligament injuries
    A) 10
    B) minor
    C) minor
    D) mild
    E) rehab
    F) taping
  • Grade 2 ligament injuries
    A) 50
    B) moderate
    C) moderate
    D) variable
    E) rehab
    F) variable
  • Grade 3 ligament injuries
    A) 90
    B) extensive
    C) severe
    D) severe
    E) rehab
    F) surgery
  • Ligament Avulsion:
    • Ligamentous attachment pulled off bone
    • more common in younger patients
    • Less common in knee than ankle
  • OTTAWA rules help determine who need an XRAY:
    • age 55 or older
    • isolated tenderness of the patella
    • tenderness of the head of fibula
    • cant flex to 90 degrees
    • unable to bear weight both immediately and in the emergency room department for 4 steps
  • OTTAWA rules:
    • Series of clinical decision rules to reduce unnecessary imaging
    • Relevant findings include points of bony tenderness, weight bearing > 4 steps (plus others)
    • Only applicable in first 7 days of injury
    • Weight bearing counts even if limping ++ (immediate and in ED)