Primary market research involves gathering data and information that has not been gathered before.
Observations is the process of watching and notijng down what individuals do and how they behave in a particular situation. This is often used by retail.
Observations Advantages:
An observation can identify if customers are avoiding an aisle completely or just not purchasing those goods.
It can help inform decision making of whether to continue selling a product.
Observations Disadvantages:
It does not provide a reason to why people are avoiding something.
It can be time-consuming and costly.
Questionnaires are a set of questions printed and written on a piece of paper sent in the post with a selection of answers. This is used by most businesses.
Questionnaires Advantages:
Cheap to produce.
Information gained is accurate and relevant.
Can take place in multiple locations.
Questionnaires Disadvantages:
They can't have clarification as you can't speak to them.
They can be seen as junk mail, hence won't be useful.
Surveys involve a group of open and closed questions, and are one of the four types, personal, postal, telephone or internet.
Survey Advantages:
Personal: Interviewers can explain questions.
Telephone: Covers a wide geographical area.
Internet: Quick to produce.
Postal: Information gained is accurate and relevant.
Survey Disadvantages:
Personal: Expensive and time consuming.
Postal: Not many are returned so a waste of money.
Telephone: Time consuming.
Internet: High proportion won't be answered.
A focus group is a group of people that have a discussion about a product or a service. This is often used by most businesses.
Focus Group Advantages:
Information gained is accurate and relevant.
A co-ordinator can explain the questions and direct the conversation if a question needs elaboration.
Focus Group Disadvantages:
Time consuming.
Consumer trials are short-term offering of a product or service that allows a limited number of consumers to examine, use or test the product before it's fully launched. This is often used by businesses in development.
Consumer Trials Advantages:
Provides honest and reliable information.
Information obtained can be used to amend the product if necessary.
Consumer Trials Disadvantages:
Expensive to operate.
Analysing peoples opinions and views is not as easy as analysing numerical data.
Test Marketing and Pilots is when a product is launched to a small part of the market. It allows us to know whether to launch nationwide and make edits to the product. The is often used by businesses in development.
Test Marketing & Pilots Advantages:
There is information about the realproduct, not just a generic thing.
Reduces the financial risk as launching the product is costly.
Test Marketing & Pilots: Disadvantages
Competitors will see the product and may design similar products before nationwide launch.
Results and feedback are based on a small group of customers and may not be representative.
Primary Market Research Benefits:
Directly relevant to the business.
Up-to-date information gathered.
It's private, only your business can see it.
Primary Market Research Drawbacks:
Time consuming.
Often expensive to carry out.
Results can be misleading if the sample size is too small.