required practicals

Cards (4)

  • How to prepare a slide to view onion cells:
    1. drop of water on clean slide
    2. cut onion and separate into layers - tweezers to peel off epidermal tissue from bottom of layers
    3. with tweezers place, epidermal tissue into water on slide
    4. add a drop of iodine solution
    5. place a cover slip on top - stand cover slip upright on slide next to water, carefully tilt and lower it so it covers the specimen. Try not to get any air bubbles under that obstruct your view
  • Use light microscope to look at slide:
    1. clip slide onto stage
    2. Select lowest powered objective lens
    3. Use course, adjustment knob to move the stage up to below the objective lens
    4. Look down the piece use the cause adjustment knob to move the stage downwards until images in focus
    5. Just focus with final adjustment knob until we get a clear image
    6. if needed greater magnification, swap to high powered objective, lens and refocus
  • Label microscope
  • Draw microscope observations: draw the image of the object you are observing, label important features and include title and magnification