
Cards (7)

  • What quote was used to describe Curley when he was defeated by Lennie in a fight?

    "Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, his hand crushed in Lennies paw"
  • What does Curley's wife say to Crooks when he talks back to her?

    "I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny"
  • What does Lennie say to the puppy that he accidentally kills due to his overpowering strength?
    "Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice. I diddidn'tt bounce you hard"
  • What quote was used to describe Curleys wifes dead body when Lennie kills her?
    "Her body flopped like a fish' and she was still. Lennie had broken her neck"
  • What was the quote used just as George is about to kill Lennie
    "He brought the gun to the back of Lennies head"
    "He pulled the trigger"
  • What does the death of the dog foreshadow?
    Lennie's death and how Lennie was killed in the same way. Showing how disposable both the dog and Lennie (gives Lennie an animalistic nature)
  • How does Lennies violence progress?
    First he starts by wanting to feel a girls dress, then it is later discovered that the "dead" mouse that he picked up, was killed by him, it goes onto him killing a puppy due to his lack of control over his own strength to finally climaxing at him snaping the neck of Curley's wife which inevitably leads to his own death by the hand of his best friend, George.