psychologists argue that emotional care is as important for development as physical care
serious effects if before 2.5 years and vulnerability until 5 years
breaking the maternal bond during critical period
-has serious effects on intellectual,social and emotional development
-causes difficulty forming relationships
-risk of developing behavioural disorders
damage is irreversible and permanent
supporting evidence
Bowlby worked as a psychiatrist in a child guidance clinic in London - regular worked with children who had been caught stealing
-observed that a lot of the delinquent thieves had experienced early and frequent separations = conducted research , 44 thieves study
44 thieves study
-44 thieves and 44 non-thieves (aged 5-16)
14/44 thieves classified as affectionless psychopaths - don't feel guilt for crime/no social responsibility
Bowlby interviewed the children and families about early life experiences
44 thieves findings
86% of affectionless psychopath thieves had experienced maternal deprivation in early life
compared to 17% of non-psychopathic thieves
and 0 of the non-thieves
= concluded deprivation leads to problems with emotional and behavioural development
methodological issues with Bowlby's study
uses interviews = retrospective data -they had to think back manyyears = produces inaccuracies
researcher bias = Bowlby conducted all aspects himself - he diagnose children as affectionless psychopaths
expectancy effects = study conducted to test his theory
Bowlby's negative consequences for women
during war women did typically 'male' jobs
it was suggested that his theories were used by the government to make women stat at home with their children to free up the workplace for the returning men = research is socially sensitive
Bowlby's positive applications
before his theory only physical care was considered important so he stressed the importance of maintaining emotional bond = led to change in policies
critical period & permanency criticization
critical period has been challenged - its not absolute - now called a sensitive period
effects aren't permanent - studies show that problems can be reversed with extra effort
contradictory research - rutter
was argued that Bowlby confused cause & effect with an association, there is a link between deprivation and later problems but there was actually factors associated with deprivation which could be the cause
contradictory research - isle of white study
over 2000 boys (9-11 years)
if deprivation was due ti illness/death of the mother then there was no correlation with delinquency but if deprivation was due to discord - boys 4 times more likely to be delinquent
= suggests that its discord rather than maternal deprivation that causes later problems
Bowlby concluded thar early deprivation affects later emotional development - however some children do recover from deprivation
rutter argues deprivation is a vulnerability factor rather than a definite cause of future issues