naturally occurring grouping variable, but analyzed like an experiment
basic research
describe, predict, & explain fundamental principles for better understanding (factors that lead to better memory
organization); restricted primarily to theoretical
understanding of a phenomenon (not that that
is a bad thing!)
applied research
describe, predict, and explain/provide solutions to real worldproblems (factors that lead to errors in
eyewitness memory); restricted only to setting that was
tested; cannot make broad theoretical claims
about a phenomenon
Research conducted in the lab
under controlled conditions; primarily for basic research;
pros: systematiccontrol over the entire experiment;
cons: may be tooartificial for any real-world applications
Field research
Research conducted in the
community, environment, etc; primarily for applied research; research settings most closely catch the everyday situation; little
control over the environment
quantitative data
data are collected and presented in forms of
numbers (averages, percentages)
qualitative data
presenting info in terms of analytical narratives that summarize the findings (ex: detailed interview info, findings from observational studies. etc.)
correlational study
Only tells you how things are related or if they follow
same pattern or a different pattern; (similarity across results=positive; different/no pattern in results=negative); correlation does NOT equal causation
qualities of empirical questions
Answerable with data
terms precisely defined
Operational definition
A way to measure you DV; look at other research to define your variable as specific as possible;
A good theory…
makes predictions abt phenomenon
parsimonious (simple & concise)
how would you operationally define the concept of shyness?
amt of eyecontact when in convo w/ stranger who asks a series of prepared questions
amt of time btwn asking question and its answer by the other
certainscore on standardized shyness scale
Converging operations
Definitions reached by manyinvestigations of construct
slightly different operational definitions & experimental procedures
all measures reach commonconclusion about construct
aggression defined by # of aggressive behaviors observed, scores on attitudinal & behavioral questionnaires, etc.
Functions of IRB
Review proposals to protect rights and welfare of human participants
Minimal risk
Harm or discomfort experienced is not
greater than what they might experience in daily lives or during routine physical/psychological tests.
Written informed consent is essential when participants are exposed to…
more than minimal risk
General principes & standards:
risk vs benefits
fidelity & responsibility
rights & dignity
Informed consent
Documented description of the research project before participation;