energy to turn the flagella comes from the proton motive force
gradient of proton (H+) across the cytoplasmic membrane
High [H+] outside
Low [H+] inside
most proteins form a channel that allows H+ to move into the cytoplasm
provides the energy to turn the flagellum
Flagellum turns like a propeller to drive the cell forward
Flagellar synthesis
several genes are required for flagellar synthesis and motility
MS ring is made first
other proteins and hook are made next
filament grows from tip
must have all the genes
Twitching and gliding motility do not occur in flagella
differences in swimming motions
peritrichously flagellated cells move slowly in a straight line
CCW = counter clock wise
in a straight line each time not an overall straight line
when all flagella in ccw then will bundle and run
when all sprayed out they are cw and tumble
polarly flagellated cells move more rapidly and typically spin around
reversible flagella
at the pole
move more rapidly and spin
2 step forward one step back
only cw
Gliding and twitching motility
Flagella independent motility
Slower and smoother than swimming
Requires surface contact
Gliding-specific proteins for gliding
Type IV pili for twitching
Twitching motility employs type IV pili
Gliding and twitching motility
These structures require ATP hydrolysis to extend (up to several micrometers) and then retract, causing the cell to move forward; movement occurs in discrete increments.
Gliding motility requires a helical intracellular protein track that interacts with gliding motors and extracellular adhesion proteins. The proton motive force drives rotation of gliding motors that translate this force to the helical track, causing adhesion proteins to move in a helical pattern; this results in continuous forward motion and clockwise rotation of the cell
Taxis: directed movement in response to chemical or physicalgradients• Chemotaxis: response to chemicals• Phototaxis: response to light• Aerotaxis: response to oxygen• Osmotaxis: response to ionic strength• Hydrotaxis: response to water
best studied in E. coli (for peritrichous flagella)
bacteria respond to temporal (time), not spatial, difference in chemical concentration
to a moment in time where there is more
run and tumble behaviour
attractants and repellants sensed by chemoreceptors
if no attractant present: random movement
attractant present: directed movement
directed movement toward an attractant or away from a repellent
biased random walk
E.coli shows biased random walk toward glucose when there is a concentration gradient
the cell still exhibits a series of runs and tumbles
if t senses that the [glucose] is increasing:
The tumble is delayed = shortened
the run lasts longer
so they are running more than tumbling
Measuring chemotaxis
measured by inserting a capillarytube containing and attractant or a repellent in a medium of motile bacteria