Where the defendant is simply 'being' rather than 'doing'
What is the general rule on omissions in English Law?
An omission does not amount to an actus reus
What are the six duties (exceptions) to the general rule on omissions?
Statutory duty, contractual duty, because of a relationship, a duty voluntarily undertaken, public office, as a result of a dangerous situation created by the defendant
What is a legal authority for a statutory duty?
Road Traffic Act 1988
What is a case for a contractual duty?
What is a case for a duty because of a relationship?
Gibbons and Proctor
What is a case for a duty voluntarily undertaken?
Stone and Dobinson
What is a case for a duty because of a public office?
What is a case for a duty because of a dangerous situation created by the defendant?
What is an example of a state of affairs offence?
Possessing illegal drugs
What must the actus reus be?
What case tells is the actus reus must be voluntary?