Cards (10)

  • The Scientific Method
    A method of acquiring knowledge that uses observations to develop a hypothesis, and then uses the hypothesis to make logical predictions that can be empirically tested by making additional, systematic observations. Typically, the new observations lead to a new hypothesis, and the cycle continues.
  • Induction/Inductive Reasoning
    Involves using a relatively small set of specific observations as the basis for forming a general statement about a larger set of possible observations.
  • Variables
    Characteristics of conditions that change or have different values for different individuals.
  • Hypothesis
    A statement that describes or explains a relation between or among variables.
  • Deductive Reasoning
    A general statement as the basis for reaching a conclusion about specific examples.
  • What Are The Five Steps of the Scientific Method
    1. Observe Behaviour or Other Phenomena
    2. Form a Tentative Answer or Explanation
    3. Use Hypothesis to Generate a Testable Prediction
    4. Evaluate the Prediction by Making Systematic, Planned Observations
    5. Use the Observations to Support, Refute, or Refine the Original Hypothesis.
  • The Three Other Elements of Scientific Method
    1. Science is Empirical: The observations are structured so that the results will provide clear support or refute the hypothesis.
    2. Science is Public: This means that the scientific method makes observations available for evaluation by others.
    3. Science is Objective: The observations are structured so the researcher's biases and beliefs do not influence the outcome of the study.
  • Pseudoscience
    A system of ideas often presented as science but is lacking some of the key components that are essential to scientific research.
  • Quantitative Research
    Research that is based on measuring variables for individual participants or subjects to obtain scores, usually numerical values, that are submitted to statistical analyses for summary and interpretation.
  • Qualitative Research
    Research based on making observations that are summarised and interpreted in a narrative report.