
Cards (306)

  • Organizational behavior reflects the behavior of the people and management all together, it is considered as a field study not just a discipline.
  • Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary approach where knowledge from different disciplines like psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc. are included.
  • Organizational behavior is used to solve organizational problems, especially those related to human beings.
  • There are four different types of models in OB: Autocratic Model, Custodial Model, Supportive Model, and Collegial Model.
  • The root level of the Autocratic Model is power with a managerial orientation of authority.
  • The employees in the Autocratic Model are oriented towards obedience and discipline.
  • The employees in the Autocratic Model are dependent on their boss.
  • The employee requirement that is met in the Autocratic Model is subsistence.
  • The performance result in the Autocratic Model is less.
  • The major drawbacks of the Autocratic Model are people are easily frustrated, insecurity, dependency on the superiors, minimum performance because of minimum wage.
  • The root level of the Custodial Model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money.
  • The employees in the Custodial Model are oriented towards security and benefits provided to them.
  • Issues at the input of a Radiological Facility include registration timing, any restriction in number, prior appointment, and reception and information.
  • A small cohort of contributors to the project is sensible and then gradually expand to meet the needs of the project.
  • Administration of a Radiological Facility involves managerial issues such as planning, organizing, leading, integrating, controlling, and evaluating.
  • Staffing in a Radiological Facility includes doctors, technical staff, nursing, and others.
  • Output in a Radiological Facility involves quality of films, correct reporting, and misinterpretation of report.
  • Administration of a Radiological Facility involves X-ray machine requirements, minimum performance criteria for X-ray equipment, frequency of testing, organization and staffing, and managerial issues.
  • Process in a Radiological Facility involves ensuring trained manpower at machines, ensuring functional status, correcting processing status, ensuring part to be exposed, preventing mal practices and pilferage, training of staff, and following safety protocol for patient and staff.
  • Governmental Requirements include classification of medical diagnostic X-ray facility.
  • The Custodial Model is adapted by firms having high resources as the name suggest.
  • The Custodial Model is dependent on economic resources.
  • The Custodial Model directs to depend on firm rather than on manager or boss.
  • The employees in the Supportive Model are oriented towards their job performance and participation.
  • Employees who perform well year round may receive ratings similar to those mediocre staff who spurt as their evaluation time approaches.
  • If a disgruntled employee can demonstrate that an evaluation that supposedly reflects 12 months actually reflects performance over the last 2 or 3 months, an organization will have difficulty defending the validity of its appraisal system.
  • Recency error is when the evaluator recalls recent performance and tends to forget more distant events, thus, the performance rating reflects what the employee has contributed lately rather than over the entire evaluation period.
  • Employees and their managers develop the appraisal instrument, which motivates them to use it.
  • Results-Oriented Evaluations focus on what the employee is to accomplish, requiring objectives to be set at the start of the evaluation period.
  • Recency error can also create both legal and motivational problems, as it demonstrates to all employees that they only need to perform at a high level near the time of their performance review.
  • Each performance objective should be defined in concrete, quantifiable terms and have a specific time frame.
  • Leniency error is when managers tend to overrate their staff's performance, often giving everyone on their staff a rating of "above average".
  • Potential appraisal problems include leniency, recency, and halo errors; ambiguous evaluation standards; and written comments problems.
  • With increasing emphasis on outcomes, results-oriented assessments are becoming more commonly used in health care settings.
  • The employee requirement that is met in the Supportive Model is status and recognition.
  • The scope of a modern radiology setup is not limited to imaging studies but also includes a therapeutic role in the form of a minimal invasive interventional radiology setup.
  • Determining opportunities and constraints of the physical space is necessary in designing a radiological facility.
  • A project theme should be the top priority in designing a radiological facility, taking into consideration patient demographics, geography, and culture.
  • Regular note taking can lessen the problems associated with written comments.
  • There are two types of radiology centers: radiology departments in a hospital setting and dedicated radiology centers that work on referrals.