The initial idea of the formation of Malaysia from British and local figures.
The first Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya was Tunku Abdul Rahman, who led the Alliance Party (Alliance).
In September 1963, Singapore joined the federation as an independent state with its own government and parliament.
Sabah and Sarawak became part of Malaysia on September 16, 1963.
In 1963, Singapore joined the federation as an independent state, but it left in 1965 due to disagreements with other states on economic issues.
Brunei did not join the Federation due to disagreements over oil revenues.
Malaysia's economy grew rapidly during this period, but there were also challenges such as ethnic tensions between Malays and Chinese, corruption, and political instability.
The reasons for the formation of Malaysia, guaranteeing national security, achieving racial balance, accelerating independence and developing socioeconomics.
Stepstowards the formation of Malaysia.-TunkuAbdulRahmanannouncedtheproposedformation of Malaysia.-VisittoSarawak.-EstablishmentoftheCobbold Commission.The Cobbold CommissionsubmittedareporttotheBritishandtheFederationofMalaya.-ThemeetingoftheInter-Race Committeeis held.Negotiating theFederationofMalayawithSingapore.Malaysia Agreement in London.-EstablishmentofUnitedNationdMalaysia (UNMM)ProclamationofMalaysiaon16September1963.