5.2C Human factors affecting the drainage basin

Cards (5)

  • How humans affect the drainage basin level:
    • deforestation
    • changing land-use
    • abstraction
    • reservoirs
  • How deforestation affects the drainage basin:
    • The felling and clearance of trees reduces interception and infiltration rates
    • It increases surface run off
    • It reduces evapotranspiration which reduces precipitation
  • How changing land-use affects the drainage basin:
    • Urban surfaces of tarmac and concrete are impermeable so reduce infiltration and increase surface run off
    • Drainage systems move water to rivers more rapidly increasing the risk of flooding
    • Agriculture reduces the amount of large vegetation decreasing interception and increasing surface run off
    • Livestock farming can leading to compaction of the soil reducing infiltration
  • How abstraction can affect the drainage basin:
    • Over-abstraction leads to reduced flow in rivers and reduces the amount of groundwater
  • How reservoirs affect the drainage basin:
    • The construction of dams and reservoirs reduce water flow downstream
    • Increases evaporation as there is greater surface area of water