5.3B River regimes

Cards (5)

  • river regime = the character of the typical fluctuations of flow of a river
    • The volume of water moving past a point in a river per given time is called the discharge – m³ /sec or cumecs
    • The level of discharge is influenced by:
    • Rate of precipitation
    • The speed at which water transfers to the river across the drainage basin
  • Discharge is calculated as Q = A x V 
    • Q is discharged in cumecs
    • A is a cross-sectional area in m²
    • V is the velocity in m/s 
  • Hydrographs = measurement of discharge
  • Annual hydrographs show the pattern of seasonal variation that takes place through a drainage basin to river discharge over a year.
    -> measured in cumecs
    -> Different conditions in different locations produce different levels of discharge over the course of a year