Producing High Impact Materials

Cards (14)

  • Short Answer - respondents provide short answer
  • Paragraph - respondents provide longer answers.
  • Multiple Choice - respondents select one option from several choices.
  • Checkboxes - respondents select as many options as they like.
  • Dropdown - respondents select one option from a drop-down menu.
  • File Upload - uploads a file in the form; it can be an image file, software file, etc.
  • Multiple Choice Grid - respondents select a point from a two-dimensional grid.
  • Checkbox Grid - respondents select a box from a two-dimensional grid.
  • Date - respondents use a calendar picker to enter a date.
  • Time - respondents select a time (either a time of day or a duration of time)
  • Google Forms is a useful tool to help you plan events, conduct surveys, create quizzes, and collect other needed information in an easy and organized way.
  • Click the Required toggle switch to stop respondents from answering a question without inputting an answer.
  • You may send out your google form through email, sharing the link, or embedding the form.
  • Results of the form can be viewed through Google sheets and Summary.