The activities enhance the climate conditions increasing the risk of drought
Human activity increases the risk of drought in a number of ways, the main way is over-abstraction of: -> Surface water resources -> Ground water aquifers
Australian droughts:
In Australia droughts are a regular occurrence
In 2006 the country experienced a 1 in 1000 year drought event - also known as the Millennium drought
Causes of Australias drought:
low rainfall through 1996/7 followed by dry years in 2001, 2002 and 2003
Between 2001 and 2003 El Niño exacerbated the drought conditions
Human activity in Australia causing drought:
Climate change as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions
Widespread deforestation
Overgrazing of sheep and cattle has led to vegetation loss
Over-abstraction by farmers - until recently farmers could take as much water as they wanted
High water consumption - 340 litres per person per day
Effects of Australias drought:
The Murray-darling river system was 54% below the record minimum
Drinking water shortages were experienced in cities such as Adelaide
It was ended by the occurrence of a La Niña phase in 2010 which led to floods
Crop yield was reduced to 10 million tonnes from the 25 million tonnes average due to less irrigation